Klem Acoustic Consulting

sound measurement and analysis waterfall plot sound decay RT60 Hz SPL


We provide data-driven solutions for acoustical issues including:

• Sound Isolation

• Sound Absorption & Attenuation

• Speech Intelligibility

• Noise / Vibration

• Environmental Health / Noise Pollution

We work primarily in spaces such as:

• Healthcare facilities both veterinary and human

• Home theaters

• Music-focused spaces: rehearsal, recording, and control rooms

Our on-site and remote Services are accomplished through:

microphone sound measurement


Our consultancy services are tailored to your space and goals. We work in concert with you to understand the needs of all relevant team members, collect data to both quantify and qualify the nature of the problem, and integrate these findings into multiple recommendations and design options.

Measurable Benefit

Appropriate and relevant tests for a given space are performed both pre- and post-implementation of any acoustical modifications. This allows for a clear measure of efficacy and guide any subsequent improvements.

Tests and Measures

We offer an array of tests that inform the nature and quality of the problem. Measurements and design calculations are specific to the issue at hand. E.g., isolating structure-borne noise like mechanical vibration requires calculating the proper loading of isolation materials. In addition to specific acoustical tests, we also take an inventory of room properties (dimensions, material composition of boundaries and all objects of acoustical significance) and sources of sound. Brief interviews and observation of normal activities provide useful contexts for designing solutions that account for human factors and ensure minimal disruption to workflows.


Our role is to support your case-specific needs. You will not receive generic recommendations that aren't informed by the data collected on-site, or solutions that ignore an important stakeholder's requirements. Rather, we place particular emphasis on ensuring all team members understand the logic and reasons for any given treatment proposal. This helps ensure both a unified consensus and satisfactory outcome for all parties.

Depending on the scope, budget, and practicalities of the design, we can assist in the purchase, manufacture, and/or installation of some design recommendations.


Patrick has taught full semester courses and guest lectured at multiple colleges, trade schools, and STEM high schools on acoustics and audio engineering practices. He has worked full time as an audio engineer for over a decade and performed numerous acoustical analyses in these roles. He has since provided acoustical testing and treatment plans to both healthcare facilities and residential spaces.

Patrick views acoustical consulting as a way to bring hard science and aesthetic design together to transform spaces into calmer and more productive environments. Clients have spoken of his ability to realize this vision while simultaneously maintaining flexibility to modify designs to meet their unique preferences.

Patrick received a BA in Psychology from New College of Florida, an MPH in Epidemiology and Environmental Health from Florida A&M University, and a graduate certificate in Applied Measurement from University of Colorado Denver. He has published in and served as a peer-reviewer for academic journals, trained staff and audited the data in clinical drug trials, and taught graduate school entrance exam courses at universities throughout the southeast. He currently lives in Colorado and enjoys interacting with both small and large animals, playing music, and building professional audio equipment. His audio engineering work may be seen at klemsound.com.

Patrick Klem


Patrick can be reached at patrick@patricklem.com